Welcome! Check the latest activity and information here.


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Notice: Activity on Saturday

To : All members

This Saturday (27.2.2010) will have an activity.

Date : 27/2/2010
Time : 8.00 a.m - 10.00 a.m
Venue : Markas Bomba (beside basketball court)

Uniform :
Old member - Full Uniform (except jacket)
New member - School Pants & PJK T-shirt

* Those who cannot come please hand in your letter.
* Absence for no reason will get punishment.

Please inform others, thank you.

* 13/3/2010 will have a camp.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Everyone still enjoying holiday...
But we must always becareful....

Hear have a notice to warn everyone...
From Miss Koo...

Do Not Near Markas

1. Please do not near our markas.
Our markas is in the danger of collapsing.

2. If you want to challenge it , do so at your own risk.
But hope you will not do so.

Please inform other members or non-members.
Thank you!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Happy CNY 2010

Happy Chinese New Year

Chinese new year coming soon....

So bomba will not have any activity in new year..
this Friday no kebersihan...
Saturday also no activty....

Hope all members will have a good New Year..
Play as much as you can...
as happy, as crazy you like...

To anyone who has girlfriend..
do not forget first day of new year...
is valentine's day....

Happy Chinese New Year...


You must know:


Happy CNY to all brave bomba:

神勇消防 赴汤蹈火
民安国泰 双肩扛担
家业兴旺 四季平安
家庭和睦 万民欢腾

Wish all members:

年年顺景则源广 岁岁平安福寿多
一帆风顺年年好 万事如意步步高