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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Farewell Party (Barbeque and Steambot)
Time: 8.00am~10.00am++
Venue: Markas Bomba
Price: AJK(2010/2011):no nid to pay ;
members : price nt sure yet bt u can order the things u want to eat
Bring: Own Plates and Cups and others...RECYCLE
ps:u can order wad u wan here or find me at 4sb4 c9412
Deadline for orders: 13/10/2011
Contact number:(i) Kah Hin-0164702599
(ii) Kok Chen-0124034678

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Saturday Activity: New Markas Cleaning

Venue:Meet at markas
Clothes:Sports wear and remember bring extra clothes
Description:We'll be cleaning the markas then only we move our things back please bring some mops and pails if you have any and bring some unused cloths